In The Media

Here’s some articles on past fundraising events we’ve hosted, and how we’re helping make the community of Bradford better!

Successful Women Always Networking group in Bradford are women in business that support women in business

'It's that 1 call to action': Bradford residents engage in healthy competition to raise funds for Coldest Night of the Year

Valentine's pancake breakfast rakes in the 'dough' for good cause

SWAN Bradford hosting Valentine's Pancake Breakfast

SWAN hosts bottle drive fundraiser for LOFT's Bradford House

Women supporting women, charity at first virtual SWAN Bradford event

Bradford SWAN group hosting 'Celebration of Women' virtual event

A GLOW-rious fundraiser from SWAN Bradford

SWAN helps local female entrepreneurs spread their wings

How tacos helped raise money for Bradford food bank

Bradford residents 'Taco 'Bout the Food Bank' at charity fundraiser

Taking a SWAN dive

SWAN Dive!